How Long to Boil Chicken for Broth

boil chicken for broth Meat

There is a common saying that goes, “Simple things are often the best.” Well, chicken broth or stock, which is very basic, is often taken for granted. For this short blog, we are going to focus on how long you should boil chicken, or chicken bones, to make chicken broth and stock. You can always get that tender, juicy meat that’s easy to shred by just boiling the chicken. Plus, compared to cooking in a skillet, boiling is much faster, and you’ll save a lot of energy. But there is a trick! When done correctly, you’ll not only get tender pieces of chicken, but also homemade chicken broth that can be used for soups and more.

So, how long does it take to boil chicken to make broth?

It doesn’t require much thought – all you need is a source of heat (slow to medium cooker), your chicken and water. Preferably, you can go for bouillon cubes or store-bought liquid, both of which serve as “quick fixes.”  

Typically, when using a slow cooker on low heat, it will take about 4-5 hours (or longer) to boil chicken to make a broth. The use of a slow cooker is popular, since it allows the user to do other things while checking on the progress occasionally. On high heat, it may take 2-3 hours, but you need to make sure that the chicken doesn’t dry out. An instant pot can also be used to boil chicken for broth; however, we recommend that you check your pot directions to ensure the cooking time is consistent with your desired result.

Boiling chicken bones is another delicious way to prepare your own chicken broth at home. Actually, bone broth isn’t a new concept – its origins can be traced back 2,500 years ago, when it was mostly used as Chinese medicine for those with digestive or kidney issues.

So, how long does it take to boil chicken bones for broth?

All you need to do is to place your ingredients in a slow cooker, stovetop or instant pot and fill it with water. For a slow cooker, it will take 12 – 24 hours to boil the chicken bones and about 120 minutes in the instant pot cooking on high pressure. When using a stovetop, you bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat for it to simmer. Make sure that you cover it partially and let it boil for no less than 5 hours.

Surprisingly, you can also boil chicken legs to make broth. Here is a quick tip on how long you should boil chicken legs to make broth:  30 minutes to one hour in medium to high heat and you’ll get that perfectly tender, moist and flavorful chicken.  Don’t forget to skim the stock with a fine, mesh strainer or a spoon to separate the solid bone particles from the stock when boiling chicken bones.


If there is one magical transformation in cooking, it would be the use of broth or stock. The concept of infusing plain water with the flavors of meat, bones and vegetables remains an elementary magic trick that never gets old – despite being ancient. All you need is to understand what it takes and the amount of time needed to boil chicken to make stock or boil chicken bones to make broth.

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Hi! My name is Oksana. I love to cook and I want to share my tips for each of you. Here you can find answers to all your culinary questions.
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How Long to Boil